Learning and Relaxation
It is hard to study if you are thinking about lots of things or feeling worried.
Our brains find it easier to take in and remember things if we feel relaxed and calm.
On this page you will find some ideas for things that might help you relax. First of all, think for a moment. Ask yourself...
Going to the park?
What helps me relax?
Listening to music?
Talking to family, friends or your support worker?
Going for a walk?
Below are some activities and ideas that might help you relax. If you want to, you could try doing them before your English session. Or any time you feel like you need to relax.
You can look through all the activities, or click on the buttons below to see the ones you are most interested in.
Breathing exercises
Only do these exercises if it feels safe and comfortable for you. If you have any health problems that might be affected by doing these exercises, speak to your doctor before you try them.
Deep breathing exercise
1. Sit, stand or lie down somewhere comfortable

2. Take a deep breath in gently through your nose

3. Breath out slowly and gently through your mouth

Below are links to different videos on Youtube that show you how to do simple breathing exercises. Click on the underlined links to see the videos.
A Simple Breathing Exercise (1 min) - YouTube
RELAX AND BREATHE: Do Nothing for 10 Minutes - YouTube
Breath in as the shape gets bigger. Breath out as it gets smaller.
Grounding activity
Grounding activities help you to focus on what is around you now, rather than thinking about the past or the future. Some people find this helps them to feel calmer and more relaxed.
This video shows you how to do an exercise where you notice:
5 things you can see
4 things you can touch
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 emotion that you feel
Click on the underlined link to see the video.
The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety - YouTube
Relaxing music selections
Listening to music can be a great way to relax. Some people find it helps them study too. Below are links to some different relaxing music videos you might enjoy. Click on the underlined links to see the videos.
Best of Kygo | Relaxing Piano For Work, Study - YouTube
3 HOURS Relaxing Guitar Music: Instrumental Music, Calming Music, Soft Music, Sleep Music - YouTube
Relaxing Indian Meditation Music Mix ॐ︎ yoga music ॐ︎ Meditation Music Relax Mind Body - YouTube
The Best Relaxing Classical Music Ever - Relaxation Meditation Focus Reading Tranquility - YouTube
Art activities
These videos show you how to do some simple art activities that can help you feel more relaxed. All you need for each one is:
some paper
a pen/pencil
Click on the underlined links to see the videos
How to teach Mindfulness continuous line drawing - Paul Klee Inspired Drawing Activity | Zart Art
A lot of people find spending time with nature helps them relax. You can go for a walk or sit in the park to do this. You can also click on the links below to spend some time with nature, even if you are inside
Click on the underlined links to see the videos
Nature videos
Sounds of nature
Relaxing Meadow with Ambient Nature Sounds, Wildflowers, and Mountain View - 8 Hours (youtube.com)